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Aboriginal Interpreter Service Rescripting of Code of Conduct
Suggested Script –AIS Rescript by Steve Swartz (for use by recording interpreters)
Conflict of Interest
The Local Government Act explains the issue of conflict of interest for a local government council member.
- This story / message is about ‘conflict of interest’.
- The message is for anyone who is a member of a local government council.
The Local Government Act states that a council member has a conflict of interest if he/she has a personal or financial interest in how a council decision is made.
- A council member has a ‘conflict of interest’ if he/she might get something, like money from / because of something that the council members are discussing and making a decision about
The Local Government Act states that a council member has a conflict of interest if his/her business partner or relative has a personal or financial interest in how a council decision is made.
- A council member has a ‘conflict of interest’ if their business partner or a relative / family member might get something, like money from / because of something that the council members are discussing and making a decision about
A relative includes - a wife or husband (spouse), de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the member. It also includes the child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of a spouse or de facto partner of a member.
- That relative / family member might be your spouse (wife or husband) or maybe your defacto partner or maybe your child or maybe your parent or maybe your grandparent or maybe your grandchild or maybe your brother or sister.
- Or that relative / family member might be the child of your spouse or defacto partner or maybe their parent or maybe their grandparent or maybe their grandchild or maybe their brother or sister.
A conflict of interest occurs where a council member uses his/her position for personal gain.
- You might have a ‘conflict of interest’ if you try to get something for yourself, because you are a member of the council.
A conflict of interest may occur where there is a clash between the private interests of a council member and his/her duties and responsibilities.
For example – He/she is employed by a company that is trying to win a council contract. This could affect the council member’s ability to make a fair decision when council considers the contract.
- Or maybe you might have a ‘conflict of interest’—you cannot do your council job properly because you are just thinking about how to get something for yourself or your family.
- Maybe you work for a company that is trying to get a contract from the council.
- Because you work for that company, you might just go ahead and vote to give that council contract to that company.
- That is ‘conflict of interest’—you are not doing your council job properly.
It is the responsibility of a council member to disclose a conflict of interest immediately if he/she is aware that there is, or is likely to be, a conflict.
- If you are a council member and think you might have a ‘conflict of interest’, you must tell the other council members about it right away.
If you vote on a decision or if you try to tell your other council members to vote on a decision and you get something like money or benefits for yourself ‐ that is against the law.
If you are worried that you have a ‘conflict of interest’ or if you want / need to learn more you can call 08 8924 3644