Yuendumu is renowned for its vibrant artistic expression. Explore the community's renowned art scene, where talented Warlpiri artists translate their stories and connection to the land into breathtaking paintings. It is in the Southern Tanami ward and has a population of around 870 people.
The community is located 290km north-west from Alice Springs along the Tanami Highway, which branches off the Stuart Highway 25 km north of Alice Springs and is sealed.
For Centre Bush Bus times see Bus Timetables
Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) provides the following services:
The Warlukurlangu Artists Association has been operating successfully since 1986. It is a not for profit organisation and has more than 600 members, all of whom are Aboriginal artists. The art centre is a popular enterprise activity, and provides social, cultural and economic rewards for artists and their families. It is described as the social and cultural ‘hub’ of the community.
For a travel itinerary for exploring Yuendumu please contact
To view this video on YouTube click Visit Yuendumu
The Northern Territory Government has put together resources to help your visit to community be successful. Please have a look at the Remote Engagement and Coordination Strategy and Toolkit available from bushready.nt.gov.au and the Yuendumu profile on bushtel.nt.gov.au
You can also go onto to our Visiting Communities page and Things to see and do page.
To book accommodation in Yuendumu please click Accommodation.
You can view the community's plan at Yuendumu Community Plan.
No. Staff: 19 people (68% Indigenous)
Local Authority: To view LA membership in the CDRC region go to Local Authorities.
Ward Councillors: Cr April Martin, Cr Jacob Spencer, Cr Freddy Williams, Cr Warren Williams.
Phone (08) 8993 7900
Fax (08) 8993 7901