On Friday 24 November Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) attended the 2023 Sustainable Community Tidy Towns Awards in Katherine. Both Engawala and Laramba received a Commendation for Litter Management.
New Emergency Wardens for Alice Springs Office Kitted Up
Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) has an emergency plan for each of its locations, and each site has a team of people called an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO). This includes a Chief Warden, area wardens for set areas, and a designated first aid officer.
Two Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) councillors, Cr Jacob Spencer and Cr April Martin, received 10 year service awards from the Local Government Association of NT (LGANT) at the LGANT Convention in Darwin during a dinner ceremony.
CDRC Staff Stand in Solidarity against Gender-Based Violence
Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) held a White Ribbon Day event on Friday 17 November in Alice Springs to raise awareness and prevent violence against women.
The Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) resealing program came to an end in September with the sealing of the depot yard at 1 Elder Street, Alice Springs.